I just saw a commercial stating that Superman Returns will be released on DVD later this month and I can't wait! Unfortunately I only had the pleasure of seeing the movie once in the theater but you can bet that I'll be playing it repeatedly once I get the DVD. My love of Superman comes from my youth. I grew up with Superman comics, the original motion pictures starring Christopher Reeve, and the various television shows. I'm one of the few people I know who actually remembers the short lived Superboy television series in which Clark Kent was in college with Lex Luther. But from Lois and Clark to Smallville, I have been a fan for years so naturally when I heard there was a new Superman movie being made I was excited.
I had hoped that Tom Welling the star of Smallville would be starring in it but after seeing the way that Brandon Routh played the role I'm glad that he didn't. Routh brought all of the presence that this character requires. There was no serious deviation in the attitude or mannerisms of the character that Reeve had played in the original movies which I thought was a plus. I also enjoyed how the movie was serious yet fun, the special effects of course were second to none in the Superman series.
But I had the distinct pleasure of seeing this latest Superman after having been born again whereas I was still dead in sin for all of the ones that came before it. This allowed me to view the movie in a completely different light. There was one thing that jumped out at me and that was a conversation that Superman was having with Lois Lane after his return to earth after a five year hiatus. Lois had written a Pulitzer Prize winning article on how the world did not need Superman in which she said, "the world doesn't need a savior, and neither do I" and Superman replied by saying, "But every day I hear people crying out for one." Powerful words indeed! Of course we know who the Savior is (Jesus Christ) but the parallels between Superman and Christ are many, especially as highlighted in this film, the most obvious being that Jesus and Superman were sent into the world by their Fathers to save it!
I give this movie a 10 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best! I give it 5 stars and 2 thumbs up! It's that good! Everyone should buy a copy for themself and one for a friend or family member for Christmas.