I converse with Catholics daily and one theme remains a constant... Defend all things Catholic at all costs! So what's wrong with that? I mean most people would assume that I would defend my faith at all costs, right? WRONG!!! I won't defend it at the cost of intellectual honesty. I don't need to deceive myself into thinking that everything about my particular church, denomination, etc. is perfect. I don't need to skew history so as to make my faith seem as if it has existed without flaw from the beginning of time (and I'm not exagerating, I see this kind of stuff daily). I'm honest enough to deal with the truth as the truth is... this means that I don't need to bend, twist, or change it in order to fit my preconceptions. If the truth leads me away from something that I presently believe then Hallelujah!!! Praise God for that because that means the present belief isn't true! I only wish the Catholics I speak with daily could hold such a position... and no, I'm not saying that this is all Catholics in general, but it does seem to be all that I deal with on a regular basis. Maybe it's just them going into defense mode from all the namecalling and being told to get out of their cult, etc. but that's not how I approach them. In any event, I have a saying... "I covet truth and whoever has it, I want it" -- that goes for all... I've decided to follow the truth wherever it leads even if that means leaving behind some comfortable beliefs... After all, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life... I can't get to the Father but by him...