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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why Waste My Time?

So I just received an email from a guy who calls himself Baalslay. Baalslay is a Calvinist who sent a few emails to a couple of his buddies about a year and a half ago in response to a mini-debate I was having with his friend Daytime. Let me backtrack for a second and explain what happened.

I was minding my own business one day when I received an email from Daytime filled with some nonsense about me spewing bilge and swill (I'm still wondering if the guy is from England) and some stuff about how there is no free will, blah, blah, blah... Anyway, I took a little time to respond and we had a little 'debate' if you could even call it that. Well apparently this guy was emailing everything he sent me to his friends, although I don't think he was forwarding my responses to them. This is how Baalslayer got involved.

I received two emails from Baalslay but they weren't actually addressing me personally. It was almost as if I was on the email list by accident... who knows? In any event, I took a few minutes to write replies that were posted on my homepage (Here) -- Now keep in mind that this was a year and a half ago.

Now I just got an email from Baalslay actually addressing me and he managed to repeat the same exact Calvinist arguments that I have been interacting with for the past 4 years. Nothing new or innovative in his comments. Same stuff about dead men have no wills, God is sovereign and can do whatever he wants, effectual calling, etc... Apparently he thinks that I've never heard this stuff before so he decided to 'enlighten' me.

I considered responding for a second but then said, "why waste my time?" -- He's content to be a Calvinist and I'm ok with him being a Calvinist. If he brought something to the table that I never heard before then maybe it would have warranted some serious consideration, but at present it's the same ol' Calvinist theology. Not exactly compelling stuff from where I'm standing.

Let's just for the record state that I like Calvinists, generally speaking. A lot of my online buddies are Calvi's... I recognize that the system of theology no matter how misguided is well within the limits of orthodoxy. Same with my Arminian buddies (although I feel from a Biblical standpoint that they have a better leg to stand on).

So I've decided to limit my interaction with this resurrected argument to this BLOG post alone. I was done with it a year and a half ago. Right now my attention is on studying the Trinity (by the way, my NEW BLOG is dedicated to defending the Trinity and deals exclusively with this doctrine -- I've been posting excerpts from my unpublished book).