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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mormons Deceptively Quote Others...

Anyone who has ever read anything on Mormon apologetic websites (e.g. FAIR or FARMS) has no doubt heard the constant ranting over anti-Mormons and their out of context quotes of Mormon authors, teaching, etc... And to be honest it gets very annoying... I mean just get over it... Some people don't agree with unscriptural doctrines... No need to call them anti-Mormon (at least not in the derogatory manner they use it)... Anyway...

Recently is while doing research for the book I'm writing on the Trinity I came across a paper written by Larry Hurtado who is a scholar that teaches at the Univeristy of Edinburg School of Divinity... The basis of the paper was first century Jewish monotheism and the basic premise and conclusion was that Jews could still lay claim to the title monotheist while believing in a hierarchy of divine beings... Basically the conclusion was that belief in other divine beings like angels in no way hindered their monotheism because these other beings are not essentially gods... You can read the paper for yourself by clicking here...

I also came across two papers written by Mormon apologist Barry R. Bickmore in which he quotes Dr. Hurtado in support of his polytheistic position... He represents Hurtados works as proof of polytheism within the ranks of Judaism and that belief in One and only One God was never a Biblical or Jewish belief... Of course I was alarmed by such a shocking misrepresentation, although not surprised... But to be sure I contacted Dr. Hurtado to clear the entire thing up and see where he stands on the subject... I mean I didn't want to be the one misrepresenting Hurtado's works... So I had to test all things and see if they are true (1Thes. 5:21)...

This was the response I received after asking the question:

Professor Hurtado,

I wanted to know if you would support the conclusions drawn by this author and encourage his further use of your writings, or reject the conclusions and discourage the use of your works. I thank you for your response and help concerning this question.

I have no knowledge of the Mormon author of whom you write. I have no interest in being used in such a way, but it is not possible to govern what readers make of your publications. I am surprised thatMormons think that my works support their theology, as to my mind I see what I've done as showing why the questions dealt with at Nicea were unavoidable!

So my suspicions were confirmed and another Mormon apologist was guilty of a crime that Mormons are so famous for accusing others of! Thank God that there are serious scholars out there who are not too busy to stand by their beliefs and answer our questions concerning them. Dr. Hurtado is greatly appreciated for taking the time to do so.