Just had an interesting discussion with a woman who claimed that Christian translations of the Bible were altered to insert all kinds of ideas into the Hebrew Scriptures that are foreign to Judaism. I asked for specific examples and rather than actual passages I was told that God incarnating himself is foreign to Judaism and original sin is foreign to Judaism. Rather than recount the whole conversation I'd just like to offer the following citations from Jewish translations of the Hebrew Scriptures for consideration. You be the judge.
Note that Yahweh appeared to Abraham and when Abraham lifted his eyes he saw three MEN (of whom two were angels, Gen. 19:1) standing beside him. He washed their FEET and offered them food which they ATE. The rest of the chapter records Yahweh's conversation with Abraham.
Again we have Yahweh, who just spoke with Abraham (on the earth) raining down fire and brimstone from Yahweh who is in heaven.
Original Sin
These passages seem to agree with the concept of original sin. And let me note one other thing... I was accused of not understanding Jewish thought, but if this person truly understood Jewish thought and culture then they would know that the ANE was a collectivist society. The concept of many suffering for the actions of one is thoroughly keeping with Jewish thought.
*JPCT = Judaica Press Complete Tanach
*SET = Stone Edition Tanach
Now the Lord [Heb. Yahweh] appeared to him in the plains of Mamre and he was sitting at the entrance of the tent when the day was hot And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men were standing beside him, and he saw and he ran toward them from the entrance of the tent, and he prostrated himself to the ground. And he said, "My lords, if only I have found favor in your eyes, please do not pass on from beside your servant. Please let a little water be taken and bathe your feet and recline under the tree. And I will take a morsel of bread, and sustain your hearts; after[wards]you shall pass on, because you have passed by your servant." And they said, "So shall you do, as you have spoken." And Abraham hastened to the tent to Sarah, and he said, "Hasten three seah of meal[and]fine flour; knead and make cakes." And to the cattle did Abraham run, and he took a calf, tender and good, and he gave it to the youth, and he hastened to prepare it. And he took cream and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and he placed [them]before them, and he was standing over them under the tree, and they ate. (Gen. 18:1-8, JPCT)
Note that Yahweh appeared to Abraham and when Abraham lifted his eyes he saw three MEN (of whom two were angels, Gen. 19:1) standing beside him. He washed their FEET and offered them food which they ATE. The rest of the chapter records Yahweh's conversation with Abraham.
And the Lord [Heb. Yahweh] caused to rain down upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the Lord [Heb. Yahweh], from heaven. (Gen. 19:24, JPCT)
Again we have Yahweh, who just spoke with Abraham (on the earth) raining down fire and brimstone from Yahweh who is in heaven.
Original Sin
Behold, in iniquity was I fashioned, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Ps. 51:7, SET)
The wicked are estranged from the womb, the speakers of falsehood went astray from birth. (Ps. 58:4, SET)
These passages seem to agree with the concept of original sin. And let me note one other thing... I was accused of not understanding Jewish thought, but if this person truly understood Jewish thought and culture then they would know that the ANE was a collectivist society. The concept of many suffering for the actions of one is thoroughly keeping with Jewish thought.
*JPCT = Judaica Press Complete Tanach
*SET = Stone Edition Tanach