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Monday, May 21, 2007

Fideism Hard at Work

I just finished dialoguing with a KJV Only advocate. He asked me if I could help him get a web site set up so I obliged and did what I could do. He sent me a paper that he planned to put on the site and after reading it I was amazed that there was someone else out there who held the belief that there would be another rapture mid-way through the tribulation. So I sent him a paper I wrote that addressed the issue. He skimmed it for a moment and then offered a couple of comments. Remember, he's coming from the perspective that the KJV is inerrant, infallible, and the absolute inspired Word of God in the English language. This conversation is edited to only include that which is pertinent to the belief in KJV Onlyism.

Prophetnick77 [5:36 P.M.]: The First Resurrection Pictured in the Harvest <<--it's in there (Stage 2)

KJV 1611 Onlyist [5:37 P.M.]: I am just writing my paper on the resurrections of the BIble...and...I want you to think about I read so far..."Christ the firstfruits"--plural--is Christ and "many (not all) bodies of the saints which slept, arose"---and it is the 144,000 that preach the GOspel of the Kingdomin the church age---it is not the OT saints.

Prophetnick77 [5:42 P.M.]: I'd just make one correction... 'firstfruits' is a singular noun... (Gk. aparche) -- the plural would be 'aparchai'...

KJV 1611 Onlyist [5:43 P.M.]: That's correct...and in these last days, you are going to find out that the Hebrew and Greek should not be ignored, but heeded. However, never allow it to CORRECT the words that God wanted you to have...and in the english--it is PLURAL.

Prophetnick77 [5:45 P.M.]: Of course I disagree with you on God wanting me to have the 1611 KJV... But I'd point out that even in English it is singular... Sure it can be plural... But here (1Cor. 15:20) we see that it has reference to Jesus alone... We could compare this to the word 'deer' which can be singular or plural... We need to look at it in context to see what it means..

KJV 1611 Onlyist [5:59 P.M.]: Right...and I agree, but we must take the WHOLE body into account as well...and the Bible puts in terms as a garden of crops...and no one just goes out and gathers ONE stock of corn, etc.....Granted, firstfruits is a small portion---but definitely PLURAL!

Prophetnick77 [6:01 P.M.]: I'd point you to Romans 11:16 where the word 'firstfruit' appears in the KJV... This is the same Greek word as in 1Corinthians 15:20... What would your thoughts be on that since it doesn't have the 's' ending in the KJV?

KJV 1611 Onlyist [6:03 P.M.]: You woulnd't agree..but I'd say that since you KNOW that the translators are aware of the Greek word...and also aware that in one place they put an "S" and the other not--God leading them--and doctrinally---whether it is added or lacking in various places MEANS SOMETHING. You don't have to agree with my view of hte KJV--i dont expect that...

KJV 1611 Onlyist [6:03 P.M.]: let me give you a better example. the Greek word pascha or "passover". THey knew what the word meant in Acts 12:4! We know for SURE they knew, for their own marginal remark says "passover"--so its not like they "mistranslated" by is an OBVIOUS and purposed INTERPOLATION. And how fitting...a ROMAN King (herod) who is an EBIONITE (jewish composite from HAM)--forshadowing the Antichrist...who will persecute the JEWS...and forbid them to continue doing temple worship and hteir customs... and EASTER comes from a ROME.... :) And that great MOTHER OF HARLOTS is a CITY on 7 HILLS who's colors are "PURPLE" and "GOLD" and she has a "CUP" and responsible for the deaths of MANY SAINTS....we know her identity! Or another example..."God is a spirit..."---sure! Get u a modern translation, and have some eeducated fool say... "well, in the verbally, inspired, original blankety bean bags"--- there is no article "a;" and while that's true...God is not SPIRIT...God is A spirit in disctinction from OTHER spirits...the DEVIL is are SPIRIT...and agnels are SPIRIT...and GOD is "A" spirit in distinction from others...

Prophetnick77 [6:10 P.M.]: Yeah, but those educated fools realize that the original wording said something... And in fact God is Spirit... The passage isn't setting him in distinction from all other spirits... (who could be called 'a spirit' as well) -- It's speacking about the nature of God and how he desires worship in accordance with that nature...

KJV 1611 Onlyist [6:11 P.M.]: Yes, and the first role of that ANOITED CHERUB--the DEVIL who is a SPIRIT was worship!

Prophetnick77 [6:11 P.M.]: But this is all a little off topic... We can discuss the KJV some other time... And trust me... i have plenty of questions for you..

KJV 1611 Onlyist [6:13 P.M.]: Let me tell you this...and you don't have to agree...I will never use the Hebrew or Greek to "get rid" of the text of the AV. No person (educated or not) ever needs to consult a Hebrew or Greek text to "find the meaning" of anything that is not already well apparent and upheld in the ENGLISH. I am not a fan of those who are presented with Scripture on something..and then to get RID of it...they run to the Hebrew and Greek and find another word to suit their fancy. You havent done that---not at alll, to speaking generally.

The conversation continued but I decided to cut if off here as this illustrates my point. This gentleman, as nice as he is (and I genuinely do like him) believes what he believes blindly. Now I don't think that I could know what I know to be true and ever hold his position but that's me. At the very least we can be glad that he believes the Bible, if only an inferior English translation.